Sports Turf Irrigation – Now A Booming Industry!

Turf irrigation is a booming industry these days, as the need for well-managed natural turf is constantly on the rise.

With stable or growing interest and participation in turf-played sports especially soccer, turf irrigation system services everywhere are seeing more system installation requests and more fields that need proper irrigation management to keep them green and ready.

An increased need in turf irrigation systems is due to the number of recreational fields continually being funded by local and state governments for their schools and parks, especially in areas where home building continues to grow, too. 

When Did Interest in Soccer Increase in the U.S.?

The exploding interest in soccer in America started two decades ago when the U.S. Women’s Soccer team won the World Cup and it hasn’t waned much.

In that time, more public and private schools have installed soccer fields and local governments have even installed them in community parks to increase green spaces within planned neighborhoods and communities, creating an increasing need for turf irrigation systems to keep these spaces green and playable.

Enter Professional Soccer in the United States

Since that time and continuing through to the present, the interest in soccer at the school and collegiate level has risen more than 50% and has steadily maintained, especially as the U.S. continues to get more involved in the sport on a professional level.

Most recently, with so many people watching U.S. soccer from home throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and afterward as teams went to the Olympics, there has been renewed interest in this and other turf sports as kids have returned to school and resumed these and other physical activities.  

An Increased Need For Turf Irrigation System Services

With all those soccer and sports field that have been installed has come the need for more professional turf irrigation system services to keep them green.

Different than agricultural irrigation and even golf course turf irrigation, soccer turf irrigation systems require their own expertise, especially today when the balance of effective water management is so critical.

Still, the need for safe and managed spaces for school and community sports persists and so does the work for local turf irrigation professionals. 

A New Business Interest in Turf Irrigation Needs

For those considering this industry, one of the best things about turf irrigation is that it presents a happy medium between complicated golf course irrigation and simple residential setups.

Expanding into turf irrigation system services can be a lucrative opportunity for business owners with the right experience in new and existing communities that are fostering this love of soccer and other turf sports and require turf irrigation system setup and maintenance. 

Increased Interest in Public and Private Schools

Schools and parks with multi-field complexes are especially attractive for turf irrigation services that have the ability to work within the budget of private or public schools or win government contract bids.

It is another sector of the turf irrigation industry that does not see as much light as agricultural and residential irrigation but is just as necessary!

Important Considerations for Designing Efficient Irrigation Systems

When designing irrigation systems, designing for efficiency is always a key factor.

Efficient irrigation system installation lowers system cost, promotes better use of water and nutrients, and creates higher harvest yields for less money; however, there are many variables to take into consideration when deciding on the type and plan for any irrigation system.

The best approach for achieving this is by planning the way that professional irrigation system services do to give the most results for the least cost.

What Are The 3 Main Factors of Irrigation Systems?

Planning for irrigation system installation begins by first identifying three main factors, then working with those applicable limitations.

Water source, field characteristics, and plant type are the most important and indicative details that will dictate what types of irrigation systems should be used to properly irrigate plants based on their watering needs and soil conditions.

Field shape may also add to this detail or the planted field shape may be decided based on the preferred irrigation system.

All of these can be affected by the water source and how it must be pumped into the system as well.

Ultimately, it is these three variables that irrigation system services find to be most critical for deciding between the different system types and finding the one that allows for the most efficient use.

Be Sure to Consider Pump Size and Flow Rate

Pump size and irrigation system flow rate must also be considered when choosing the system, as the pump must be strong enough to keep the water flowing through the system yet not so strong that it will suck up debris from the available water source.

Like everything else, pump size, water source, and system type must also function cohesively, adding to the complexity of choosing the right system for the specific application.

Look at Control Options

After choosing the irrigation system type, whether that is a center-pivot or linear sprinkler, drip line, or other systems, the choice becomes which of these systems offers the most appropriate control options based on the typography, the weather, and other tracked details.

Irrigation scheduling capabilities are more essential for some crops and soil types than others, especially with regard to sprinkler systems that utilize more water.

Adding It All Up

Fortunately, much of the most recent technology available through irrigation system services provides more than enough tracking and scheduling capabilities to satisfy most needs.

The biggest factor in all of this is making the right first-tier decisions of matching the pump with the water source and the system and the system with the field characteristics and the plant.

To ensure purchasing the right system for cost-effective irrigation, start by having a conversation with a reputable local irrigation system installation service!

What Is The Difference Between Hard and Soft Hose Traveling Irrigation Systems?

Traveling irrigation systems are a convenient and useful choice for irrigating smaller, and irregularly shaped fields.

Available from hose reel services in two types, hard hose reel travelers and soft cable-tow travelers, these systems do basically the same thing with one main difference.

Before buying a traveling cart irrigation system, learn about the differences between the hard reel and soft cable setup to purchase the hose reel system that will work best for the situation.

Travel Mechanism

  • Hard hose reel traveling systems consist of a gun cart with a reel and a hard irrigation hose that connects to the water source. The cart is set up by rolling out the hose along the travel lane, stretching it all out first. As the gun shoots water, the reel slowly winds up the hose, pulling the cart along, ending up with the hose fully wound, ready to be moved to the next location.
  • Soft hose cable-tow systems sold at hose reel system services consist of a gun cart along with a soft hose and a cable. The cable must be affixed to a stationary anchor, the soft hose connected to the water source, and then both the cable and the water source unspooled so the cart can be positioned at the furthest point in the travel lane. As the gun shoots water, the cable is spooled up on the cart, pulling it along, while the soft hose simply drags behind. Moving the cable-tow system requires spooling up the soft hose, first.

Water Pressure and Travel Distance

  • Hard hose irrigators sold by hose reel system services require higher water pressure to spray but are also capable of spraying further and with more water than soft hose cable-tow systems. The soft hoses require lower water pressure hose reel servicesas they do not withstand the higher pressure.
  • Soft hose systems sold at can be used with longer hoses to irrigate along longer lanes as the hose drags behind. Hard hose reel travelers are limited to the length of the hose spool, as well as the ability to maintain enough water pressure to keep the water flowing.

Travel Lanes

  • Reel travelers can follow a thinner lane as they are propelled by the drive mechanism on the cart. Cable-tow travelers require a wider lane to accommodate the cable anchor point and the feed hose laid out alongside the cart as it moves up the path.

Though hard hose and soft hose traveling irrigators sold by hose reel services are very similar, they do have a few differences that can make them more or less desirable depending on the area being irrigated, water pump size, and other variables.

Contact a hose reel system service to determine which system will best serve specific needs.

Agricultural Irrigation – Center Pivots

Agriculture is arguably the most important source of livelihood for all peoples of the world, contributing to the health of the nations by providing medicine as well as supplying the people with raw materials like cotton, sugar and tobacco plus providing furniture, clothing and food security.

Domestically, agriculture employs more than 24 million Americans (17% of the U.S. workforce), and up to a billion people worldwide (about 28% of the population).

People who depend on agriculture for their income include not only farmers and ranchers but also mechanics and technicians of farming equipment, truck drivers, grocers, and general laborers.

As of the 2007 census of agriculture, there were 2.2 million farms in the United States and all of them have one vital need in common: water.

Proper Water Irrigation

The way water is distributed over the land to help it grow is called irrigation.

Irrigation maintains moisture in the soil which is essential for seed germination.

Irrigation is essential for the growth of the roots of the plants, as it is necessary for the absorption of mineral nutrients by the plants from the soil.

Proper irrigation is a vital part of maintaining any farm or ranch.

Center Pivot Irrigation

Age-old surface irrigation is still sometimes favored for it's simplicity, but as new technologies have developed mechanical irrigation systems have become more appealing.

Central pivot irrigation, also called circle irrigation, has become the most economic and efficient form of irrigation, offering you all of the flexibility which other forms of irrigated agriculture are unable to provide.

Unlike other methods, center pivot irrigation dispurses water evenly, minimizing the risk of runoff, which can be costly over time, as well as causing your soil to he less fertile due to erosion.

The Value of Center Pivot Irrigation

A circle irrigation system also causes less water to be lost to the wind by delivering the water close to the ground.

Center pivot irrigation delivers the water for you, at whatever rate you decide; and their height adjustable - meaning you can reassemble your system to be at any level relative to the height of the crops and continue to modify as necessary in accordance with their growth cycle to ensure the plants receive proper hydration.

Center pivot systems are cost effective, each one having an average life span of about 20 years, and requiring little maintenance.

Their reconfigurable nature makes them useful for a variety of crops, whereas other machines are not as versatile.

Lower labor requirements make center pivot irrigation the ideal choice for most farmers around the world.

Farm Irrigation Systems, farm irrigation

What is this irrigation?


Irrigation is a process of moving water from the region and then paying compensation for lack of rainfall. It is used in the operation of water and water and maintaining pastures for organisms made of guns and houses and enhanced lamps. farm irrigation systems


However, irrigation is very different from irrigation which the farmer uses to treat his products. Learn about agricultural irrigation.


What do you think about land irrigation at that time?


There is evidence of agricultural irrigation, calculated in the 6th century BC. In the Middle East. These regions will not have enough rain to help the products that they can offer without irrigation support.


Many years ago irrigation was deliberately planned and depends on water. Many irrigation systems still work with this basic property and show water that depends on the influence of their controls. farm irrigation system services


What kind of irrigation is used now?


Those farmers should consider when preparing their irrigation is how to use water in a very good way. Water shortages cause dry and dead areas, while large quantities of water can cause accumulation and soil distribution.


The horses use different strategies to strengthen their farms. Depending on size of field, atmosphere and environment, different approaches can be more accurate than others. Here are some ways in which farms use your property.


Irrigation surface


Irrigation system depends on the influence of water flow from one part to another. By using water and waterways, controlled waves are supplied from soil to water. In situations where gravity cannot be transported to any part of the apartment, the pump may be used or the water can be transported by hand. farm irrigation system design


Leakage irrigation


This type of irrigation provides plants with water from the bottom. In regions with high water content. Usually, these regions are located in pools and areas. This technique requires an increase in groundwater through the system of pump and forests.


Sprinkler Irrigation


Sprinkler irrigation is a way in which absorbs water through the development of hoppers or hoses and then is poured over the ground. Water users can be squeezed into mobile devices or have the same water supply and cut off.

Where does the wastewater come from?


Sewage from the field comes from different sources. These include lakes and rivers and supplies provided by people and lakes. Flood sewage floods can also be used to strengthen the farms.  farm irrigation system supply

The Need for a Farm Irrigation Pipe To Increase Productivity

 In the world of agriculture, having the right equipment and tools is critical to ensure better productivity. An efficient irrigation system is one of the most important things agriculturists recommend to farm owners. Some people take heed to this advice while others do not take this call seriously.

 An efficient farm irrigation system is very important.

Farm experts are now devising new irrigation system technologies so that not only will farmers have easy access to and proper distribution of adequate amounts of water for their fields, but they can also make use of alternative sources of water especially when extreme weather challenges the best farming methods and resiliency of crops.

With all the sudden weather changes, agricultural experts are doing as much as they can to prepare for the impact of the weather phenomenon on the ability of crops to grow abundantly via efficient farm irrigation system services and meet the demands of the market.

There are certain areas with erratic weather and this has always been a big concern for farmers, which is why drought will likely be a problem in many areas and most big farms have already begun evaluating their farm irrigation systems so that no matter how dry or how wet the weather gets, crops will still grow abundantly and losses can be minimized.

Some farmers are looking into desalination should there need to take water from the sea; while things may not become that desperate, they claim it's good to be prepared.

And then there are those who are making the upgrade and are already investing in advanced technology that will allow them to control better or manage the release of water to their farm irrigation pipe.

A lot of farmers deal with all sorts of natural matter that can alter the efficacy and efficiency of irrigation systems, hence it's crucial for the irrigation equipment or materials to be top quality.

For agricultural pumping stations that require high efficiency pumping to effectively deal with the presence of certain elements in the water that may obstruct proper water flow as well as reduce energy consumption, many farm owners are choosing to replace their old pumps with those which have already established a reputation for being easy to maintain, incredibly durable, cost-efficient, and able to deliver superior performance. 

Farmers are now extra careful when it comes to choosing the right farm irrigation equipment to use. They realized that they should be ready for worse weather conditions that may come in the future.

Save Time and Money With Drip Irrigation

[[]], drip irrigation

Drip irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, is a form of watering plants, crops, trees and flowers.

With drip irrigation systems, water is directly carried to the root zone of every plant where it drips slowly so that less water is wasted.

With the help of the drip irrigation method, water can flow through the active zones of plants and the wastage of water and its evaporation can be controlled very efficiently.

Drip irrigation is used in large gardens, huge farms and greenhouses, particularly in areas experiencing water shortage. Almost any crop can be grown with the help of this type of irrigation system.

Drip irrigation is one of the most used forms of irrigation nowadays because it saves time, water consumption and fertilizers.

The water slowly comes out which helps plants and grass absorb the water in an appropriate manner, whereas running or spraying water is more wasteful, making drip irrigation one of the more effective methods used for planting.

Drip irrigation can be easily adapted to various shapes of fields having uneven topography and soil texture.

No matter where it is used, drip irrigation facilitates slow supply of water to the root zone of the plants which helps maintain a required moisture level in the soil with less water lost in the process.

This method of watering a lawn, garden, or any entire planted crop is more environmentally friendly as well because it only waters areas that need water rather than wasting water on non-growth areas, allowing you to save water and money in the long run.

Using a drip irrigation system is a great decision as it can be more easily moved from field to field and help reduce the chance of disease.

See An Irrigation Specialist For Help With Drip Irrigation!